Thursday, November 4, 2010


Being a perfectionist doesn't mean you have a perfect home or everything is right all the time.  It means that inside you you seek for things to be perfect and you are not satisfied until they are.  These may serve some but from my own experience, it is better to think of perfection as being the true expression.  Doing your best is the key.  If you have kids and you are not happy until everything looks like a magazine, then you should hang out when the kids are asleep because they are typically messy creatures.  Or if I tried something and didn't finish because I couldn't do it perfect, well that doesn't sound like something I want to teach my kids.  No one would ever try anything then because you have to keep trying and learning to succeed.  It's not always on the first try. 

I'm writing a book, when my the mean voice, let's call Negativa, in my head thinks I have no business doing that.  That voice strives for perfection but will never be satisfied, it will find something to not like about me or life.  I write and read and learn, I am almost finished editing and I will send it off to find a publisher and/or literary agent.  If Negativa had her way, I would never try this, or work on my internal growth everyday, or love unconditionally, or wear something outrageous.  She's afraid.  But the real me, my truest expression of Self, the part that loves, the part that knows God, is perfect.  And so are you.  Keep trying things and if they don't work, oh well, try something else.  Believe in yourself.  Have a delicious day, all of you, who are  perfect just the way you are.  :)

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